Shaping Excellence Since 2001

Founded with a vision to revolutionize higher education and uphold uncompromising standards, ILAEC traces its roots back to the year 2001. Our journey epitomizes innovation, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to ensuring education stands as a beacon of excellence.

In 1995, visionary education leaders recognized the need for a systematic approach to assess and elevate the quality of higher education institutions and programs. With the official establishment of ILAEC in 2001, our mission to shape the future of education gained momentum, starting with a humble beginning and a handful of pioneering members.

Evolutionary Journey

Delving into pivotal moments and transformative phases that have sculpted our identity as an influential accreditation body. Witness the significant milestones that mark our growth and reinforce our commitment to shaping global education standards.

Collaborative Initiatives

Global Impact Narratives

Embark on a compelling exploration of ILAEC's profound influence on educational institutions across the globe.

Leadership Transitions